10 Signs You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome and How To Heal It Naturally

Your gut is the gateway to health. If your gut is healthy, chances are you’re not doing too bad in the health sector. In fact, over 60% of chronic ailments could be healed if people just paid a little attention to what their gut was doing.

The prevalence of one particular gut ailment termed leaky gut syndrome has reached epidemic proportions, given the poor diet choices, chronic stress, toxic overload and bacterial imbalance in most individuals.

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

The leaky gut syndrome is exactly as it sounds – the gut is leaking! When this syndrome takes hold of your gut, it essentially creates holes in the intestinal lining (you can think of the holes as leaks). These holes allow undigested food particles, bacteria, and other substances to enter your bloodstream where they don’t belong.

The leaky gut syndrome also referred to as “intestinal permeability,” happens as a consequence of intestinal tight junction malfunction. Tight junctions are basically the gateway between your intestines and what is allowed to pass into the bloodstream. Their job is to maintain a delicate balance between allowing crucial nutrients to enter your bloodstream, while remaining small enough to prevent xenobiotics (disease-causing compounds from your diet or lifestyle) from passing out of the digestive tract, into the bloodstream, and into the rest of your body (1).

Allowing foreign substances to enter the bloodstream presents a major problem. Food-derived antigens (proteins or partially digested proteins) can pass through the gut and promote both local or whole-body immune responses (2). The result? Acute inflammation, a normal part of the immune response, turns into chronic inflammation, which is at the root cause of pretty much every disease.
According to research, intestinal hyperpermeability has been linked to (34567):

– Acute inflammatory conditions (sepsis, SIRS, multiple organ failures)
– Allergies
– Autoimmune disease (lupus, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia Type I diabetes and more)
– Celiac disease
– Chronic fatigue syndrome
– Chronic inflammatory conditions (like arthritis)
– Esophageal and colorectal cancer
– Gastric ulcers
– Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
– Inflammatory bowel diseases (Chron’s, ulcerative colitis)
– Infectious diarrhea
– Obesity-related metabolic diseases (fatty liver, Type II diabetes, heart disease)
– Obesity
– Parkinson’s diseases
– Respiratory infections (like asthma and sinusitis)
– Anxiety
– Autism
– Depression
– Eczema
– Migraines

While leaky gut has been linked to many of the conditions above, you can still have leaky gut even without experiencing symptoms. Leaky gut syndrome works slowly, so you could happily live your life until a chronic condition comes along and stays for good.
Instead of waiting for that to happen, paying attention to early symptoms that are tell-tale of the leaky gut syndrome is a great way to prevent damage from going any further.

10 Leaky Gut Symptoms and Signs

How do you know if you suffer from leaky gut syndrome? You will likely experience one or more of the signs and symptoms listed below:

1. Digestive Issues: gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD; Celiac, Chron’s and Ulcerative Colitis).

2. Inflammatory Skin Conditions: acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.

3. Diagnosis of an Autoimmune Disease: Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid arthritis.

4. Food Intolerances: with intestinal hyperpermeability comes over-production of antibodies to antigens in certain foods (especially gluten and dairy).

5. Thyroid Problems: hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), impaired metabolism, fatigue, weight gain.

6. Excessive Fatigue

7. Headaches, Brain Fog & Memory Loss

8. Nutritional Deficiencies: inability to absorb nutrients from food, as a result of an inflamed intestinal tract. Have a hard time absorbing vitamin B12, magnesium and are lacking digestive enzymes needed to break down and assimilate the nutrients in food.

10. Hormonal Imbalances: strong PMS symptoms, estrogen dominance, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Common Causes of Leaky Gut

Common factors that cause the intestinal barrier to become “loose” so to say, include:
– Gluten sensitivity
– Excessive consumption of inflammatory foods
– Use of antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
– Infections like candida, intestinal parasites, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
– Chronic stress
– Lack of healthy gut bacteria

How To Repair Leaky Gut Syndrome and Heal Naturally

If you suspect you’re suffering from the leaky gut syndrome, there are many things you can do to reverse the problem and heal naturally (or just prevent LGS in the first place). The points I covered above regarding the causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome suggest ways in which we can remediate the problem.

1. Stop Consuming Inflammatory Foods

One of the biggest culprits of Leaky Gut Syndrome is inflammatory foods. Unfortunately, these are the foods most people grew up to love. Packaged foods, frozen meals, sugary treats, fast food, you name it.
Foods that cause inflammation actually damage epithelial tissue, which is your gut tissue (13). This damage can lead to intestinal permeability, as it creates small holes in the gut lining.

– Dairy
– GMO corn
– Fried foods
– Wheat (gluten is a major trigger for most people, even those without Celiac disease)
– Refined sugar and carbohydrates (like white bread)
– Red meat (particularly packaged and processed deli meats)
– Highly processed vegetable oils (sunflower, safflower, canola)
– Additives and preservatives found in processed foods
– Alcohol

As you get rid of the foods above, start incorporating foods that will heal the gut like fermented foods (kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi), green juices and smoothies, almost all fruit and vegetables (make sure fruit is ripe, otherwise it won’t digest well), coconut, spices like turmeric and ginger, and healing teas like peppermint.

2. Reduce Your Stress Load

High-stress levels cause chronic inflammation by weakening your immune system (14). If your immune system isn’t functioning well, it won’t have as much defense against foreign bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Therefore, they have a higher chance of inhabiting your body and creating inflammation (which causes leaky gut).

While reducing stress is easier said than done, it is really important that we keep it to a minimum. Stress not only causes leaky gut, but it negatively affects our entire body.

To help reduce stress in your life, here are a few tips:
• Start the day with a fiber-packed green smoothie to balance energy levels and provide your body with calming minerals like magnesium.

• Go to bed earlier each night (preferably before 11 p.m.) – this can be made easier by shutting off all electronics by 9:00 p.m.

• Spend time outdoors, especially in nature. Fresh air and greenery are proven to help lift moods. Plus, you’ll be getting much-needed vitamin D, which promotes a happier mood and also reduces gut inflammation.

• Slow down and stretch, do some yoga, or meditate for 15 minutes each day. It will help your body release endorphins (your body’s natural anti-depressants).

3. Boost Gut Bacteria

Probiotics and prebiotics are so incredibly important when it comes to healing the gut and preventing Leaky Gut Syndrome. Probiotics help keep bad bacteria out of the digestive tract, and they also help strengthen the gut lining, which helps prevent leaky gut (16). Not enough good bacteria in the gut can also lead to candida overgrowth.

Pre-biotics are also necessary to feed the probiotics in our gut. Pre-biotics can be found in powder form, or if you eat a majority of your food raw, you’ll be getting plenty of them.

Many different factors affect our body’s natural stores of good bacteria and prebiotics. If you’ve ever been prescribed and gone through a round of antibiotics, you can guarantee your good bacteria stores are depleted. Chronic stress, consuming refined carbs and sugar, and foodborne illnesses like salmonella and E.coli also contribute to lower stores of good gut bacteria. If you were born via C-section, your healthy bacteria stores will also be affected.

If you want to re-balance your gut with healthy microbes that’ll make you thrive, eat some of the foods below:

– Coconut yogurt
– Apple cider vinegar
– Kimchi
– Sauerkraut
– Beet Kvass
– Chickpea Miso
– Water Kefir
– Kombucha

You can also supplement with a probiotic. My favorite brands are Puradyme and Garden of Life.
When it comes to leaky gut, pay attention to things that might be off in your body. Listen to your intuition. Even if you don’t have noticeable signs and symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome, you’ll only be doing yourself a favor by following a gut-supportive diet.


This Beet Juice Recipe Dissolves Calcifications in The Body That Normally Lead To Chronic Disease

Beet juice is a miracle cure. Beets are one of the most nutrient-dense root vegetables on the planet and should be consumed daily if not a couple times a week.

The raw oxalic acid in beet juice is a known solvent of inorganic (bad) calcium deposits in the body. These inorganic calcium deposits are one of the main causes of chronic disease we see today (whether that be arthritis, heart disease, cancer, kidney stones, eye problems, varicose veins or atherosclerosis).
Drinking lots of beet juice can trigger intense detox symptoms, so starting with just half a recipe the first week, and then slowly increasing the amount until you have a full serving over the next couple weeks would be a smart move. When calcium deposits dissolve, heavy metals, chemicals, and viruses are released from their “hiding spots” (aka. in the calcium deposits).

Beets are also great for helping cure skin problems, preventing cancer and birth defects, improving eye health, strengthening the liver and reversing anemia.

Ingredients: (1 full serving)

– 2 large beet roots, peeled
– 1 bunch parsley
– 3 apples
– 4 stalks of celery
– 1 lemon, peeled
– 2 inches fresh ginger root
– 1 inch fresh turmeric root


Run all of the above ingredients through a juicer and enjoy immediately!


Do These 6 Stretches Before Getting Out Of Bed In The Morning To Feel Great All Day!

Stretching in the morning is a great practice to help wake you up, and make you feel better for the rest of the day.
Performing these 6 stretches before getting out of bed in the morning will help increase the blood flow to your muscles, which means better energy levels for you. They will ease muscle tension, loosen up stiff joints, and quiet your mind before your day begins.

Stretching also increases blood flow to your brain, which sharpens your concentration in the morning. So if you’re feeling a little groggy and slow in the mornings, these stretches can help mitigate that.
If you experience a lot of aches and pains in the morning, then you should perform these stretches. They were developed by Randi Ragan, a yoga teacher and author of A Year of Living Mindfully: Seasonal Practices to Nourish Body, Mind and Spirit.
If you don’t have time for a full yoga session, do these few stretches before you get up!

1. Full-Body Stretch

Right as you wake up, inhale, and reach your arms overhead. Clasp your fingers together and flip the palms outward toward the wall behind your head. Lengthen your legs and point your toes. Keep elbows and knees straight and hold for 5 seconds long. Exhale. Repeat 3 times to release tightness in the body.

2. Figure-Four Stretch

To do this stretch, make the number 4 by crossing your right foot over your left knee. Bend your left knee up toward the ceiling slowly, either keeping the left foot on your mattress or hugging it in toward your chest. Hold for 5 deep breaths and repeat on the other side. This will help loosen hip joints, hight, and glutes.

3. Bed-to-Floor Stretch

Swing your legs over the side of your bed so that your feet are flat on the floor. Bend your knees and bend at the hip to bring your chest towards your thighs. Let your head and arms dangle to the floor and hold for 5 deep breaths to help stretch the back and allow fresh oxygen to reach the brain and wake you up.

4. Knees-to-Chest Stretch

Lay flat on your back on your bed after stretch number 3. Bend your knees so that your feet touch the bed. Wrap your arms around your legs and bring them towards your chest. Hold for 10 long breaths while keeping your head and shoulders flat on the bed. This will help stretch your lower back.

5. Supine Twist

Keeping your knees together from the previous position, twist your pelvis and bring your right knee to the bed. Hold your left knee with your right hand and turn your neck to the left. Hold for 10 deep breaths and switch sides to ease spinal tension.

6. Seated Forward Bend

Lengthen your legs and bring your torso up. Lengthen your spine as you inhale, and exhale while slowly bringing your torso towards your legs as you reach for your heels. If you can’t reach your heels, just place your hands on your shins. Let your neck hang down and hold for 10 deep breaths to stretch your hamstrings, pelvis, and spine.


Avoid These 4 Pieces of Toxic Cookware to Keep Chemicals Out of Your Food

Non-stick pans have gained huge popularity in the last decade. They’re easy to use, and convenient to clean. But what many don’t know is that these pieces of toxic cookware come with an unfortunate danger – chemicals that cause a variety of health issues.
We all try to make the right choices when it comes to food. Whether that is vegan, organic, or gluten-free, if you’re not cooking on the right cookware, you could be sabotaging your whole plan to eat healthy in the first place.

Luckily, replacing these products isn’t too hard, you just have to invest in a brand that takes caution in ensuring their cookware isn’t toxic.

4 Pieces of Toxic Cookware

Here are my top four pieces of toxic cookware you should immediately replace.

1. Ceramic-Coated Cookware

Ceramic-coated pots, pans, and cutlery may look nice, but they aren’t so nice when it comes to leeching harmful chemicals. They’re manufactured from various metals that are coated with a synthetic polymer, which is softer than metal (1). This means that there is some sort of metal (usually hard anodized aluminum) that has been coated with a layer of ceramic. Keep in mind that this is different from 100% ceramic cookware, which is completely safe and will be mentioned under “safe alternatives” below.
While ceramic coats are perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-free, some products may contain lead or cadmium. This is mostly true for products that come from Latin America and Asia, as there are stricter requirements by the FDA in the United States, which require ceramic products to be free of lead or cadmium (2).
Unfortunately, ceramic coats don’t last that long (about one year), and once the coating chips (after high temperatures and mishandling), the glaze will often chip. If your ceramic-coated cookware does indeed contain lead and cadmium, this will cause the heavy metals to leach into your food.

Lead is extremely toxic and can lead to symptoms like hearing loss, vomiting, seizures, constipation, abdominal pain, sluggishness and fatigue (3). Not to mention, if the chip goes as far as the aluminum underneath the ceramic coating, then you have the possibility of aluminum particles entering your body (which, as we all know, is highly linked to neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease (4)).
If you must purchase ceramic-coated cookware, be sure to look at companies that are based in the USA, or companies that use 100% ceramic to reduce aluminum exposure. I’ll list these companies below.

2. Non-Stick Cookware (Teflon)

Non-stick pans have gained major popularity in the homes of millions. They’re convenient and easy to clean and reduce the hassle of any food particles sticking to the bottom of the pan. While these pans are loved by those with little time to deal with the fuss ruining, say, the perfect pancake, they also come with the danger of toxic chemicals leaching into your food.
Non-stick cookware is manufactured with a synthetic coating of PTFE (mentioned above), a plastic polymer that releases toxins if heated above 450 degrees Fahrenheit. This synthetic polymer, also known as Teflon (a DuPont brand trademark), has been linked to cancer and reproductive problems (5).

To put this to the test, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) discovered that it only took about 5 minutes for a Teflon-coated pan to reach 721ºF on a conventional, electric stove top. This test showed that the cookware exceeded the temperatures deemed “safe” by DuPont themselves (about 660ºF). EWG found that Teflon-coated pans essentially turned toxic through the simple act of preheating a pan, on a burner set on high. At 680ºF, Teflon pans released at least six toxic gases, including two carcinogens, two global pollutants, and MFA, a chemical lethal to humans at low doses (6).
Inhalation of the toxic fumes released by Teflon cookware can cause polymer fume fever, which causes chills, fevers, chest tightness, and a mild cough. These fumes are even lethal to birds, kill millions of pets every year (7).
There are pretty good alternatives to non-stick cookware, and I’ll list those below. Many green companies have come out with a Teflon alternative that is generally pretty safe, and a much better alternative to the toxic cookware that DuPont creates.

3. Aluminum Cookware

Cooking with aluminum or aluminum foil is also pretty dangerous, given the dangers of aluminum itself. There’s been quite a bit of research linking elevated aluminum levels to central nervous system problems. One 2013 study in Immunologic Research linked aluminum to Alzheimer’s, ALS, and autism spectrum disorders (8).
While aluminum cookware is often coated to prevent leaching, the coating does tend to chip and deteriorate, just like ceramic materials. Instead of utilizing aluminum cookware and aluminum foil, invest your money in a greener option – there are lots of them!

4. Copper Cookware

Copper cookware, while beautiful, is also quite toxic. The popularity of copper is mainly thanks to the material’s conductive properties that enable even and quick heating.
Uncoated copper has the ability to quickly leach into your food, especially when heated. Even copper cookware that is coated, often contains nickel, an extremely toxic and highly allergenic compound. Too much copper in the diet suppresses zinc levels, which is necessary for proper immune function. Lowered zinc levels are also linked to malfunctioning of the adrenals and thyroid gland.
There are a lot better alternatives when it comes to copper. If you require consistent and fast heating, there are other safer alternatives out there that don’t come with the dangers of any leaching metals or other compounds.

Safe Cookware Alternatives

When buying pots and pans, always choose items made from safe, non-toxic materials like carbon steel, lava rock, porcelain enamel, or tempered glass.
Here are just a few options for those looking for safer alternatives to toxic cookware.