Health Benefits Of Walking

Walking is the easiest physical activity to lose weight. And it can be done by people of all age groups. Walking is a more imperative form of exercise that is considered in order to lose weight.

Doctors and Nutritionists highly recommend walking on a regular basis as an exercise as it does not only be a year-round activity but can also fit effortlessly into everyday life.

Many more walking health benefits are given below :

  • Healthy Body
  • Weight Control
  • Beat Breast Cancer
  • Fight Diabetes
  • Healthy Heart
  • Live Long
  • Prevents Miscarriage
  • Burns calories
  • Provides Energy

Here Are The 5 Best Herbal Remedies For Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time.

Although osteoarthritis can damage any joint, the disorder most commonly affects joints in your hands, knees, hips, and spine.

This disease is very common in the United Kingdom and more than 1 million people have to see their doctor to treat osteoarthritis.

Younger people can be affected by this type of arthritis if they have experienced any kind of injuries otherwise it usually develops with people above the age of 50 years.

Top Herbal Remedies For Osteoarthritis

1. Turmeric:
Turmeric is a perennial yellow herb that helps to reduce inflammation and because of it’s active ingredient curcumin present in turmeric it helps to increase mobility in patients with osteoarthritis. Turmeric has long been known for it’s pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties helping to ward off symptoms of osteoarthritis. Avoid this herb if you are pregnant, breast-feeding or suffering from gallstones.

2. Stinging Nettle:
Nettle has a long medicinal history possessing diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and analgesic effects helping to cure osteoarthritis. The fine hairs on the stems and leaves of this plant help to helps to soothe pain either by reducing inflammatory chemicals or by interfering with the transmission of pain signals. Capsules or teas both work great!

3. Rosemary:
Rosemary is one of the excellent herbs helping to cure a variety of health conditions including inflammatory conditions as well osteoarthritis. This herb has antioxidant properties, which help to fight cellular damage caused by free radicals.

4. White Willow Bark
White willow bark is an awesome herbal remedy for osteoarthritis available in all stores, which is effective for treating osteoarthritis symptoms. Salicin extracts from white willow bark soon purify to salicylic acid and works as a good job is a soothing pain and fever. It is recommendable to consume 120 to 240 milligrams of white willow bark herb two times a day.

5. Birch:
Birch contains salicylate which works as a natural pain-killer. Salicylate helps to reduce inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis. Anti-inflammatory actions of birch help to treat arthritis and osteoarthritis. It helps to remove accumulated liquid in swollen joints and works superbly if taken in the form of infusion. Consume two to three glasses of birch infusion per day. Birch is also useful in the treatment of obesity, which is a common symptom of osteoarthritis.

Many herbs such as Dong Quai, feverfew, chamomile, grape-seed extract, and celery also work like a charm. Apart from this, make sure you cut down on consumption of alcohol and quit smoking. Also, try to avoid fatty foods, as this will only worsen your condition


What is Your Headache Trying to Tell You? Never Ignore a Headache

It's extremely important to correctly understand what type of headache is causing you pain and grief. Better understanding the root of the problem can help you seek proper treatment. So, let’s take a closer look, as we examine seven types of headaches accompanied by the varying symptoms.


Staying up too late usually has more repercussions than a case of the sleepy blues, the next morning. Generally, severe throbbing headaches can be contributed to a lack of sleep. Although over-the-counter drugs offer temporary relief, Dr. Alexander Mauskop, a neurologist with the New York Headache Center, insists changing your sleeping habits is one of the best ways to alleviate a sleep-related headache.


With an estimated 29 million Americans suffering from migraines, it is considered to be one of the more typical forms of headaches. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraines are known to be associated with nausea, dizziness, vomiting, light and sound sensitivities, usually lasting anywhere from 4-72 hours.


 Remember, try not to allow the everyday stressors of life get the best of you as tension headaches are known to be the most reported type of headache made by adults. Symptoms can possibly include, hunger pains, tiredness and a low tolerance for various types of fumes. Luckily, these types of headaches can be treated with over-the-counter medicines.

As you can see, headaches come in a variety of forms, sometimes with or without warning. So pay attention to the signs because it may be your body’s way of trying to tell you something. Next time, you begin to feel a throbbing head sensation take precautionary action and go see your doctor in order to pinpoint the correct diagnosis and treatment.


Remedies For Smokers To Treat Their Tongue Right-Quit Smoking

As we all know smoking is very damaging to our lungs, but did you know the havoc tobacco use can wreak on your tongue?

Though some effects can be relatively benign, others can lead to serious, even life-threatening, conditions.

Discolored and HairyIf you look in the mirror and notice that your tongue is white, black, splotched, or furry, you know it is time to quit smoking.Your tongue is covered with tiny finger-like projections called papillae.

If you smoke excessively, the chemicals in the tobacco will keep these papillae from shedding as they should.Instead, they grow longer and longer, trapping food particles, dead cells, and bacteria between them.

According to the Mayo Clinic, “hairy tongue” is usually harmless, but can lead to severe halitosis and an unsightly tongue.

To get rid of a furry black, white, or yellow tongue, stop smoking, buy mouthwashes without oxidizing agents, and use a tongue scraper regularly. 

Oral Thrush
When you put cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco into your mouth, you kill the beneficial bacteria that keep other microorganisms at bay.

This is especially true in the case of oral thrush, a condition caused by an over-production of the fungus Candida (yeast) inside your mouth.

Your tongue and interior cheeks can become covered with a thick, creamy, cottage cheese-like substance as the fungus proliferates.

Stop using tobacco products and try home remedies like unsweetened plain yogurt and acidophilus. If oral thrush persists, ask your doctor for antifungal medication.

Meaning “white patch”, leukoplakia is a persistent white area on your tongue that cannot be wiped away.

The condition is closely linked to smoking and can clear up if smoking is stopped.

Though leukoplakia is usually a benign but irritating condition, two to six percent of cases become pre-cancerous, requiring surgical removal.

White patches may appear on the tongue or inside cheeks or lips and are directly related to the quantity, frequency, and location of cigarette or cigar use.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, almost 5,000 Americans die of oral cancer every year. The use of tobacco products has long been associated with a higher risk of oral cancer.

The mouth is full of vascular tissues that can be damaged due to inhaling, chewing, or dipping tobacco products.

Cancer can begin in the tongue, causing white or red patches or bumps or the formation of a painful or asymptomatic lump.

If left untreated, cancer may lead to loss of some or all of the tongue, resulting in difficulty eating, swallowing, and speaking.

Tongue cancer can move to the lymphatic system and spread throughout the body causing death. If your tongue appears odd or is painful, consult a dental or medical expert right away.

Smoking is still the number one cause of preventable death in the United States.


Home Remedies for Blister From Your Kitchen

Because of the repeated friction or rubbing in one area mostly due to the wearing of tight shoes (especially high heel) a small fluid-filled bump that forms in the upper skin layer of the foot known as a blister.

It can occur anywhere when repeated friction occurs between the shoe and your shin it can be the skin of your fingers, toe, foot paws.

This problem almost everyone suffers especially when start wearing tight shoes.

But today I will share with you two very simple remedies from your kitchen that will always help you whenever you have this problem.


Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a natural healer and hence very effective in treating foot blisters.

It has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and swelling.

It also keeps the skin hydrated so it heals faster. Plus, it reduces the risk of infection.

  • Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the blister and allow it to dry on its own. Rinse it off with warm water.
  • Another option is to prepare a mixture with equal amounts of aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil. Apply it on the blister and allow it to dry on its own. Rinse it off with warm water.
  • Follow either of these treatments 2 or 3 times a day for 3 or 4 days.


Turmeric has healing properties that will alleviate pain and inflammation. It is also antiseptic in nature and will help prevent infection.

  • Mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder with enough water or pure rose water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the blister, leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Follow this treatment 2 or 3 times a day for a few days.
  • Also, drink a glass of warm turmeric milk daily before going to bed to speed up the healing process.



In the last couple of years, heart attacks have become very common among the worldwide population.

Unfortunately, they’re the number 1 reason for death in the world. They occur as a consequence of our stressful lifestyles and unhealthy diets.

You can protect your cardiovascular health by improving your lifestyle- follow a healthier diet and lower the amount of stress.

Also, it’s good to recognize the symptoms of heart failure that usually begin to show a month before the heart experiences a failure:

Shortness of breath
When the lungs don’t get enough oxygen, your heart won’t get the blood that needs to pass through it.

Therefore, if you have problems with breathing, immediately consult your physician.

Cold and flu symptoms
A lot of people, before they experience a heart attack, experience these two symptoms.

Chest pressure
This is a clear symptom that a heart attack can take place in the near future. It’s important to consult your physician if you experience chest ache.

Cold sweats and dizziness
Poor circulation disrupts the proper blood flow to the brain, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the brain.

If you still feel tired and drowsy after sleeping or resting for some time, and if this goes on for days and days, you could be having a loss of blood flow to the heart.

Prevention of heart attacks is very important; noticing and treating the above-mentioned symptoms timely, will significantly lower the chances for heart attacks.


How To Prevent Sagging of Breasts? & Home Remedies For Sagging Breasts

Practice the right yoga postures for a period of time. Massage breasts with olive oil. Consume carrot/fennel/lemongrass or spearmint oil regularly.

Grind cucumber, egg yolk, and butter into a mixture, apply, let dry for 15-20 mins and wash off.

Make a paste of mustard and pomegranate peel, massage in a circular motion for 5-10 mins before bedtime.

How To Prevent Sagging of Breasts?
Breast sagging is a natural process that happens with age wherein the breasts lose their suppleness and elasticity.

Breasts do not have muscle. They are made of fat, connective tissues, and milk-producing glands, and they need proper care to keep them in good shape.


Massage your breasts at least 2-3 times per week with olive oil.

It will help add firmness to the skin as well as improve the skin tone and texture.

It will also tone your chest and increase the elasticity of the skin

Breast Mask:
Some people also choose to use a breast mask once a week. This technique will help strengthen the tissues of the breast and add firmness to them.

To prepare the mask:
Grind a cucumber and add an egg yolk.
Then add some butter or natural cream into the mixture.

Blend the ingredients into a paste and apply it to your breasts, allowing it to sit for around 15 – 20 minutes.
Then, wash it off.


With Only 3 Uses Of This Mask All Wrinkles Will Disappear From Your Face!

In today’s article, I will show you, how to make a mask, that will assist you in erasing all wrinkles from your face, with only 3 uses!

You don’t need to throw money on expensive cosmetic products, that have little to no effects of making wrinkles disappear.

This natural recipe can help you much more and in a more healthier and safe way.

Recipe for the Mask:
Step 1 – Steaming

Soak a towel in hot water and cover your face with this towel for 2 minutes and then wash your face with normal water

Step 2 – Massage
Take few drops of Sweet almond oil on your palm. Rub it between your palms and then massage your face with this oil for few minutes

Step 3 – Spot treatment

  • 1/2 spoon Camphor
  • 2 spoon coconut oil
  • 1 vitamin E capsule

Step 4 – Use

  • Mix these 3 ingredients
  • Apply this mix all over the area where you have wrinkles
  • Massage for 2 minutes
  • Leave for 20 minutes
  • Wash it off with the cotton pad, no need to wash
  • Best time to do a treatment at night before going to bed


10 Effective Home Remedies For Skin Tightening

With age our skin starts losing its natural elasticity and leading to sagging skin, it's a natural process and can't be reversible but can be reduced, controlled and delayed.

Nowadays for those people have done cosmetic surgeries which are costly and have side effects. Fortunately, we have some homemade remedies to tighten your skin. They are easy, simple, cheap and really work in reducing sagging of skin.

Name of few best effective Remedies are given below:

  • Cucumber
  • Castor Oil
  • Green Tea
  • Banana
  • Yogurt
  • Cabbage
  • Almond Oil
  • Egg Whites
  • Avocado
  • Use Papaya

Now how to use these homemade remedies so that they help you to tighten your skin

11 Lazy Way to Stay Skinny

“Enjoy the foods you love in moderation,” encourages Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CND, of Real Nutrition NYC. “No single food makes you gain weight, the portions are what matters.”

You’ve heard this before. Etiquette author Emily Post believed that a polite lady should put down her fork between every bite, a technique that also helps you realize when to stop eating before you feel bloated.

“Vegetables are filled with fiber and water so they fill you up without filling you out,” says Shapiro

“Whether it be coffee, salads, soups, frozen yogurt,” says Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN of Middleberg Nutrition. “If you want to be small, order that way.”

“If you can’t limit pick-able foods (chips, nuts, grapes, candy, etc.), then make sure you stick to single-serving portions, such as handheld fruit, individually-wrapped hummus, nut or nut butter packets,” Middleberg explains.

“Both fill you up with low calories and leave less room for the main course,” tells Shapiro.

Shapiro warns, “It’s just empty calories. My clients follow the pick your “poison” rule: Bread, Drinks or Dessert. You can enjoy one but not all.”

“When we eat out, portions are normally double what we need,” explains Middleberg. “The beauty here is that you can eat what you like, just less of it.”

“We get confused and believe that we are hungry when we really are just thirsty. Aim for eight glasses of water a day, add lemon for a flavor and vitamin boost!” adds Shapiro.

“Don’t restrict yourself all day and then break down at night.” Middleberg promises, “If you eat more substantially during the day, the nighttime grazing will taper.”



“If you are hungry, reach for fiber-rich snacks that fill you up on fewer calories like popcorn, fruit, trail mix,” Shapiro says.