How To Lose Weight Fast & Easy & The Japanese Morning Banana Diet!!!

The following Japanese morning banana diet can help you lose up to 10 pounds in just seven days if you are willing to follow the rules of the diet. It does not require you to do any changes in your diet. The rules are very simple. You should eat only bananas in the morning and you can eat anything you want during the day.

After a lot of unsuccessful attempts to reduce weight, Watanabe chose to write down his experience with all the diet routines he had attempted previously. Including the scientific knowledge of his better half Sumiko, a pharmaceutist, which she gained during the research study in the field of preventive medicine.

Together they build a method, the Early morning Banana Diet, and got popularity in people who do not truly like sweating at the fitness center. Obese people are normally recommended to exercise in order to burn more calories. However, Watanabe helped them prevent this torture and advised a basic solution: eating a fresh banana and consuming a glass of water in the morning, and naturally, you need to not eat anything until your lunch.
Bananas are packed with resistant starch which actively promotes the weight reduction process.
Naturally, not all types of starch have equal effect. Starch is divided into digestible and resistant starch. Resistant starch does not dissolve in the small intestine. However, goes straight into the large intestine where the fermentation procedure starts. Bacteria turn resistant starch into short-chain fats that feed cells and contribute to a much healthier gastrointestinal tract.


  • There is no rigorous rule you should follow, just consume sufficient bananas that will keep you full. Japanese have the rule of 80/20, due to the fact that they believe that people must never overload their stomach with food.
  • Eight parts of a full stomach go for the person, and 2 parts go for the doctor. This is why most people eat just 80% of what they are served and leave the remaining 20% of their food back.
  • Always consume a glass of warm water in the early morning to stimulate your metabolism. Await an hour and eat a banana. If you are still starving after 20 minutes, eat another banana. Beware, you must always eat raw bananas.
  • In his book, Watanabe describes that you must not drink milk and alcohol during the diet plan regimen, and your last meal supposed to be at 8 pm. Go to bed by midnight, due to the fact that researchers believe that going late to bed is associated with obesity.
    You can eat anything for lunch and dinner, and if you feel hungry between your meals, eat some fruit.


  1. It is super-healthy
  2. Bananas are rich in fiber, potassium and boost energy
  3. Bananas are cheap, so you do not need to invest a small fortune in super-expensive items
  4. Regular breakfast boosts metabolism and keeps you from overindulging throughout the day
  5. If you do not consume coffee in the morning you will quickly manage blood glucose and your hunger
  6. A glass of water at room temperature increases metabolism
  7. Avoid consuming after 8 pm and minimize the late-night yearning and manages your weigh
  8. Reduces alcohol consumption
  9. Banana diet is also a terrific method to get rid of cellulite.


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